зафрахтуем транспортный рефрижератор на базе рейсового чартера или тайм-чартера, с Южной Атлантики 40 Юж, 060 Зап и район Фолклендских островов на Тайвань, Китай. Дата подачи под погрузку конец февраля-март 2017 года.
Account : FCC
Vessel : 300,000cbft more or less (a bit bigger is acceptable)
Vessel to be able to perform highsea TS operations with enough
air fenders and loading materials.
Vessel's crews are capable of loading cargoes if necessary.
Delivery : DLOSP in the Atlantic Ocean.
LC : 20 - End Feb., 2017
Period : 3 - 5 Months +/- 1 month (1 - 2 Laden legs) at the charterers option
Redelivery : DLOSP in Far East Range (including Taiwan)
Hire : invite the owners best to be payable every 15 days in advance.
Bunker : BOD / BOR Same / Same
Any minor difference to be settled by the charterers last purchasing price.
Sub to the shippers final cofirmation to be lifted within 48hours AFMT.
CP details per the charterers proforma CP (in Baltime).
5.00% (including AC)
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Опубликовано 17 февраля, 2017 - 16:51 пользователем Гость